A free template using Astro 5 and Tailwind CSS. Astro starter theme.

🌟 Most starred & forked Astro theme in 2022 & 2023. 🌟
AstroWind is a free and open-source template to make your website using Astro 5.0 + Tailwind CSS. Ready to start a new project and designed taking into account web best practices.
- ✅ Production-ready scores in PageSpeed Insights reports.
- ✅ Integration with Tailwind CSS supporting Dark mode and RTL.
- ✅ Fast and SEO friendly blog with automatic RSS feed, MDX support, Categories & Tags, Social Share, ...
- ✅ Image Optimization (using new Astro Assets and Unpic for Universal image CDN).
- ✅ Generation of project sitemap based on your routes.
- ✅ Open Graph tags for social media sharing.
- ✅ Analytics built-in Google Analytics, and Splitbee integration.